News And Tennis Tidbits

This section covers newsletters and stories of interest to the CH Tennis Community. You can follow planned tennis court renovation in 2022. Please visit CH Parks and Rec website at <Tennis Project>. See more info in Tennis Tidbits below.

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Tennis Tidbits 2023

Loss of Dedicated Tennis Courts at Ephesus

Atuya Cornwell, CH Parks & Rec director, announced in an e-mail last week the loss of another dedicated tennis court at Ephesus. The P&R staff has approved a pilot (trial) program to prioritize PickleBall play on court 4 of the tennis courts on Wednesday’s and Friday’s. Temporary PickleBall lines will be drawn and Pickleball nets placed on court 4 during those days. This represents a rejection of the resolution passed unanimously by the PG&R commissioners in a September 2022 meeting to keep the four tennis courts dedicated to tennis at least until renovations are completed on tennis courts at Cedar Falls. View Atuya’s e-mail with details at <LossOfAnotherEphesusTennisCourt>.

Tennis Tidbits 2022

Four Courts At Ephesus Remain Dedicated to Tennis

Losing Tennis Courts Yet Again? The PG&R Commissioners resolved in their board meeting on Sept 20, 2022 to keep all four tennis courts for tennis at least until the Hargraves and Cedar Falls courts are renovated. They also resolved to push the town to find more facilities for the growing sport of Pickleball. See the <viewpoint> thanking the commissioners for the Win-Win solution. Tennis voices were heard, so thank you to all who spoke at the meeting. Tennis courts must be preserved and improved because there are already “too few safe and playable public tennis courts” for our citizens and families of Chapel Hill.

Lost of More CH Ephesus Public Tennis Courts Being Discussed

The  PickleBall (PB) group submitted a proposal to P&R asking to “co-share” the tennis courts at Ephesus, using tennis courts 3 & 4 basically dedicated 50% of the time for PB. The proposal makes no exception for times used by Culbreth tennis teams and for tennis clinics and camps and will end multiple days of walk-in tennis at Ephesus.

The tennis community has responded that the impact on drop-in tennis players, lessons and school teams would basically end tennis at Ephesus. Permanent lines for six PB courts would be drawn on courts 3 & 4. If noise is not enough, now tennis players have to put up with excessive lines on the court. Get a feel of what the courts will look like with the PB lines <Here>.

The proposal from PB and tennis response are available at these links:

<Ephesus PB Co-share Proposal>
<Ephesus Tennis Co-share Response

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